JOHNSTON, R.I. – For organizations and agencies working to prevent the frequency and severity of fire in their communities, but that also face ongoing budget constraints that can hamper their best efforts, some additional relief may be in sight. FM Global, one of the world’s largest business property insurers, has created a new Fire Prevention Grant Program so fire departments-as well as national, state, regional, local and community organizations-can more effectively prevent fire, the leading cause of commercial and industrial property damage.

  • During construction, you can get the developer/property owner to fund the work (see 1408.1 and 1408.2 below).
  • The Assistance to Firefighters Grant from DHS is a valid source to obtain grant funding for laptops in each emergency vehicle as well as the preplanning software.
  • FM Global Launches New Fire Prevention Grant Program Financial Support for Organizations and Agencies Working to Combat Fire

Funding from the new program is available to support a wide variety of fire prevention, preparedness and control efforts including, arson prevention and investigation; prefire planning for commercial,industrial and institutional facilities; fire prevention education and training initiatives; and fighting fire in sprinklered buildings, to name a few.
“At FM Global, we believe the majority of fire damage can be prevented and we are dedicated to helping those who share the same philosophy,” said Michael Spaziani, the manager of the program. “Working together, we can make a difference in preventing fire loss, rather than simply responding to the incident after it occurs.”
For more information or to apply for a Fire Prevention Grant, please visit


  • Volunteer Firefighter’s Relief Act Funds (Act 84) can be used for preplanning services, software, as well as computers for each piece of fire apparatus.
  • Pennsylvania State Volunteer Fire Company Grant program can be used for preplanning services, software, as well as computers for each piece of fire apparatus.


The 2009 International Fire Code (which has the same requirement in the 2006 Code) has the following requirement in it under Chapter 14, “Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition” which applies to structures in the course of construction, alteration, or demolition:

1408.1 Program Superintendent. The owner shall designate a person to be the Fire Prevention Program Superintendent who shall be responsible for the fire prevention program and ensure that it is carried out through completion of the project. The fire prevention program superintendent shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter and other provisions as necessary to secure the intent of this chapter…

1408.2 Prefire Plans. The fire prevention program superintendent shall develop and maintain an approved prefire plan in cooperation with the fire chief. The fire chief and the fire code official shall be notified of changes affecting the utilization of information contained in such prefire plans.

The International Fire Code also has other requirements:

  • Chapter 4 Requires Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans for Assembly, Education, High-Hazard, Institutional, R-1, R-4, High-rise, certain Mercantile and Covered Malls, Underground Buildings, and Buildings with an Atrium and Group A, E or M. These plans have a number of required items, almost all of which are included in a pre-fire plan that meets the requirements of NFPA 1620.
  • 404.2 Where required. An approved fire safety and evacuation plan shall be prepared and maintained for the following occupancies and buildings.
  1. Group A, other than Group A occupancies used exclusively for purposes of religious worship that have an occupant load less than 2,000.
  2. Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more buy cheap topamax online persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
  3. Group E.
  4. Group F buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
  5. Group H.
  6. Group I.
  7. Group R-1.
  8. Group R-2 college and university buildings.
  9. Group R-4.
  10. High-rise buildings.
  11. Group M buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
  12. Covered malls exceeding 50,000 square feet (4645 m2) in aggregate floor area.
  13. Underground buildings.
  14. Buildings with an atrium and having an occupancy in Group A, E or M.
    404.3.2 Fire safety plans. Fire safety plans shall include the following:
  15. The procedure for reporting a fire or other emergency.
  16. The life safety strategy and procedures for notifying, relocating or evacuating occupants, including occupants who need assistance.
  17. Site plans indicating the following:
    3.1. The occupancy assembly point.
    3.2. The locations of fire hydrants.
    3.3. The normal routes of fire department vehicle access.
  18. Floor plans identifying the locations of the following:
    4.1. Exits.
    4.2. Primary evacuation routes.
    4.3. Secondary evacuation routes.
    4.4. Accessible egress routes.
    4.5. Areas of refuge.
    4.6. Exterior areas for assisted rescue.
    4.7. Manual fire alarm boxes.
    4.8. Portable fire extinguishers.
    4.9. Occupant-use hose stations.
    4.10. Fire alarm annunciators and controls.
  19. A list of major fire hazards associated with the normal use and occupancy of the premises, including maintenance and housekeeping procedures.
  20. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance of systems and equipment installed to prevent or control fires.
  21. Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for maintenance, housekeeping and controlling fuel hazard sources.

404.4 Maintenance. Fire safety and evacuation plans shall be reviewed or updated annually or as necessitated by changes in staff assignments, occupancy or the physical arrangement of the building.
404.5 Availability. Fire safety and evacuation plans shall be available in the workplace for reference and review by employees, and copies shall be furnished to the fire code official for review upon request.
NFPA 1-2006 also requires prefire planning during construction, alteration, or demolition:

16.3 Fire Protection.

16.3.1 Fire Safety Program. An overall construction or demolition fire safety program shall be developed. Essential items to be emphasized include the following:

(1) Good housekeeping

(2) On-site security

(3) Installation of new fire protection systems as construction progresses

(4) Preservation of existing systems during demolition

(5) Organization and training of an on-site fire brigade

(6) Development of a prefire plan with the local fire department

(7) Rapid communication

(8) Consideration of special hazards resulting from previous occupancies

(9) Protection of existing structures and equipment from exposure fires resulting from construction, alteration, and demolition operations [241:7.1]

16.3.2 Owner’s Responsibility for Fire Protection.* The owner shall designate a person who shall be responsible for the fire prevention program and who shall ensure that it is carried out to completion. [241:7.2.1] The fire prevention program manager shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of NFPA 241 and this chapter and other applicable fire protection standards. [241:] The fire prevention program manager shall have knowledge of the applicable fire protection standards, available fire protection systems, and fire inspection procedures. [241:] Inspection records shall be available for review by the AHJ. [241:] Where guard service is provided, the fire prevention program manager shall be responsible for the guard service. [241:7.2.2]* Prefire Plans. Where there is public fire protection or a private fire brigade, the manager shall be responsible for the development of prefire plans in conjunction with the fire agencies. [241:] Prefire plans shall be updated as necessary. [241:] The prefire plan shall include provisions for on-site visits by the fire agency. [241:]