
A perfect tool for preplanning passenger, crude and freight rail lines.
Our experience includes preplanning on behalf of multiple counties on both the Norfolk-Southern and CSX freight lines.
Additionally, Blazemark has supported regional tabletop drills and full exercises, even developing specialization in “crude by rail” as well as passenger incidents.Establish a cooperative relationship with local emergency departments
- One Rail General Manager recently told us that they have to coordinate with over 130 different fire departments, share comprehensive drawings of infrastructure as a universal tool in preparation for multi-jurisdictional mutual aid incidents
- Assist with cooperative pre/post reporting and resolution of incidents that occur in various jurisdictions
Compliant to NFPA 1620 for Pre-Incident Planning
- Aligned with NIMS requirements
- Assist with compliance of Federal Railroad Administration regulations on emergency preparedness, specifically 49 CFR 239 in the Federal Register
Save lives and property, use your resources more efficiently
- Add track charts, customized to show not only all of the railroad infrastructure, but specific hazards like pipelines, tanks, chemical facilities; fire department box numbers or territories, police coverage, EMS coverage.
- Upload and overlay standard track charts/plans that show tracks, infrastructure elements like curves, highway/rail at-grade crossings, stations, and so forth to prepare with an “All Hazards” approach to any type of incident (derailment, collision, fire, hazmat, medical emergency, active shooter, weather, etc.) so service can resume on lines as quickly as possible
Cloud-Based / Browser-Based
- No software needed.
- Unlimited users, data, real-time sharing
Access critical information at times when seconds count
- Access at the tip of your fingers by mobile device, MDT, desktop anytime from anywhere in the world
Share unlimited documents in real time with police and emergency service departments
- Administer memorandums of understanding and emergency operations plans.
- Ability to add, edit, update written communication plans with unlimited sharing instantly (rosters, accountability, reunification plans, situation reports, etc.)
Save time and money
- Collect data from multiple sources into one depository
- Share and make instant global changes with internal and external stakeholders
- Use as a tool for tabletop and live drill trainings for onsite and remote users
- Demonstrate additional resources needed
- Improve your risk management profile and case for lower insurance premiums
Global real time updates
- Throw away those binders! Grant access for unlimited users to read or edit data/photos anytime from anywhere
Easy to learn, use, edit and update
- Allow your resources to make instant updates anytime from the field
Interface with other systems and applications
- Notifications systems, 911 CAD dispatch, reporting software, and emergency responder applications
- Integrate with any web-based tool such as live camera feed, accountability systems, entry systems, guides like NIOSH – WISER – ERG, etc.
24 hour help desk!
- Live chat and complete video tutorial library
Create and implement comprehensive disaster response and emergency preparedness plans
- Assist emergency responders by capturing and sharing all NFPA 1620 required data elements and more.
- Blueprints and floor plans, aerial photos of campus, locations for predetermined command posts – triage – evacuation – treatment – landing zones, etc.
- Rosters, photos/yearboook, fire-alarm shutoff locations and procedures, gas/utility line layouts and shutoff valve locations, cable/satellite television shutoff location and procedures
Facility and Environmental Health & Safety Managers love Blazemark!
- Comply with International Fire Code Chapter 14 and NFPA Chapter 16 with a prefire plan for construction, alteration or demolition
- Share facility information as needed with vendors
- Access facility information remotely to assist staff and emergency responders on scene of incidents during off hours
Existing plans won't be lost when joining Blazemark
- Upload an unlimited amount of existing documents and plans like your required Fire Safety and Evacuation Plans.
Grant user permissions with full accountability
- Grant roles of read-only, author or admin and track access down to the granular level.
- Roles can be assigned temporarily or permanently at anytime.
- Additional secure notes area permissions can be assigned as well.