by Jon Kern | 9 December 2017 | Article
Train wreck, working commercial fire, plane crash, terrorist act, active shooter, hazmat or just a plain regional public event like a state fair or concert…how do you communicate pre-incident plans across emergency disciplines, government support agencies and NGO’s?...
by Jon Kern | 2 December 2017 | Uncategorized
Properly drafted and labeled drawings are a vital piece of a property pre-incident plan. Drawings can be equally beneficial during both the planning and fire scene operations at properties in the fire company’s response area. During the planning phase, fire officers...
by Jon Kern | 16 November 2017 | Article
So, how have you devised your mutual-aid plans? Are they informal or formal written agreements? Do you participate in a local, regional, or statewide plan? Do you know what is expected of your department, and do your mutual-aid partners know what is expected of them...
by Jon Kern | 15 November 2017 | Article, Guest Speaker
Every year, on Christmas morning reenactors cross the Delaware River from Pennsylvania to New Jersey at Washington’s Crossing, recreating the historic event of George Washington crossing the Delaware to attack the Hessian troops stationed in Trenton New Jersey. ...
by Jon Kern | 31 October 2017 | Article
Gone are the days where institutions only had to worry about medical or weather emergencies. Today we see blatant hostility toward the religious rights of people of faith. This “open season” against religious facilities includes religious houses of...