by Jon Kern | 18 October 2017 | Article
It’s 2pm in the afternoon and you get a call that your main corporate center is on fire with employees trapped on the upper floors. As a manager, panic starts to kick in as you mentally go through your preparation for this day asking, “Did I do...
by Jon Kern | 4 October 2017 | Article
How many more times will we need to see an active shooter at an event, a stage fail at a concert or a car go through a large gathered crowd before we start preplanning? Anywhere a large gathering occurs presents the possibility that an incident may happen that will...
by Jon Kern | 29 August 2017 | Article
Most states have codes that hold elected officials responsible for the protection of their citizens in case of a disaster. To accomplish this, the code most often requires that each municipality have an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and Emergency Management...
by Jon Kern | 15 August 2017 | Article
Hotels and condo/apartment buildings of wood-frame (Type 5) construction that are up to four stories tall have sprung up across the country. You can find them in cities, suburban areas and even in rural areas near highway interchanges. Almost universally, these...
by Jon Kern | 10 November 2014 | National
JOHNSTON, R.I. – For organizations and agencies working to prevent the frequency and severity of fire in their communities, but that also face ongoing budget constraints that can hamper their best efforts, some additional relief may be in sight. FM Global, one...